Thursday, August 21, 2008

My terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

Everyone has a bad day every now and then. It’s going to happen. I can usually tell when I’m going to have a bad day. It may sound crazy, but if one of my contacts don’t go in perfectly in the morning, then that means I’ll probably have a bad day. It’s been this way since high school. It’s pretty weird.

Yesterday I had a surgery planned at 9:15. (Don’t worry, it was a simple in-office procedure, nothing serious.) Probably shouldn’t have gone out the night before though, huh? I turned my alarm off and went back to sleep, but luckily…I have an amazing mom who called me even though she knew that if I had been awake on my own I’d bitch at her for not trusting me that I’d wake up. So, I make it to the appointment early, but I forgot my insurance card. DUN DUN DUN. If you don’t have an insurance card then you’re nothing apparently. I first walked in and signed in and the ladies sweetly greeted me with big smiles and “Good morning Jenna.” Everything was golden until… “Jenna, did you happen to bring your insurance card with you today?” Me: “Um…no, I didn’t realize I needed to?” …seeing how I’ve been coming to this doctor for over a year. It was seriously like in a movie where someone gets angry and morphs into a huge devil with an evil voice. “You really should have brought it Jenna! Now you must die!” Quickly I suggest my mom faxing it over, and the giant devil lady morphed back into the sweet receptionist and smiled and said, “That will work.” Whew. Close one. 30 minutes after my appointment was scheduled, they finally get everything and call me back. They prep me for surgery, which included me taking off my clothes from the waist down, and tell me the doctor will be right in. 5 minutes later, the nurse knocks and pops her head in and informs me, “Dr. Haque had to go deliver a baby real quick, you want to just wait in here or get dressed and wait in the waiting area?” Seriously??? It’s all the contacts fault….oh yeah, my left contact didn’t go in the first try that morning. Go figure.

It was over an hour past my appointment time, when my doctor walked in. Let’s get started. 30 minutes of pain later…I’m done. It was pouring down outside and at one point the electricity flickered, so the receptionist tells me, if you think you can handle it, I’d suggest taking the stairs just incase the electricity goes out again. I hadn’t even thought about it until she suggested it, but there was no way I was taking the elevator now. Keep in mind I could barely stand up straight from the procedure and it felt like my insides were karate chopping each other. But I made it down the 7 flights of stairs. But now, I was all turned around. I thought I was where I walked in which was really close to where I parked, but I was wrong. So I’m walking around in the rain trying to find my car in the wrong parking lot. About 10 minutes later, I realize this and find the parking lot and my car, which has about 10 inches of water standing by it. I crazily laughed. Out of the whole parking lot, the section I parked in was the one that flooded. Woo-hoo! I see that there is no one parked in front of me and it isn’t flooded there, so I decide to just suck it up and walk through the disgusting water that smelled like gas and pull out through the front. I just wanted to get to my bed as soon as possible. Then I pull up to the booth to pay for parking, and I guess everyone at the hospital decided it was time to evacuate, because the line was ridiculous. All I’m thinking about at this point it the pain pills I get to take when I get home. So I get really impatient and start talking shit to everything and everyone…those are just unimportant details so let’s fast forward…

I make it home. Go inside. Take the pills. Take a shower. Pass out.

2 hours later…

Wake up feeling worse then ever. The pills made me sick. It feels like the most terrible hangover you can imagine, and this feeling stayed strong until I fell asleep.

It’s over now though. I woke up this morning feeling great. That’s the good thing about bad days…they only last 24 hours. So, if you’re ever having a bad day, just remind yourself of that and know that it will all get better in time.

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